
If you can’t beat ‘em, join ’em: The Computerisation of Chess

Game Over, Computer Won HydraulicSheep on chess.com Back in the middle ages, as the burgeoning game of chess spread into Europe, it began to harbour a unique following. Against the surrounding squalor and sickness, the elegant precision of the chess board became a haven for all. And for those trapped by oppressive classism, the grandeur of ‘Th...

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A Blind Race: What happened to self-driving cars?

If you recall reading any technology news or even browsing the Internet around 2016, you probably remember the hype surrounding self-driving cars. It seemed that every man and his dog would be chauffeured around by robot drivers in the space of a few years. I mean, we all know that the media tends to preempt future technology, but, to me at leas...

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